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Read 1 Peter 2:1-12

MEMORISE: As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby (1 Peter 2:2)

Have you ever seen giants in life here on earth? Great and huge people in height, shape and stature? Looking at it from the spiritual perspective, one might be forced to ask, "Could it be that the spirit of these giants is even shorter than the shortest men around? Could it be that the reverse is the case in the spiritual realm?"

Just like the physical body, so is the spirit. It can eat, drink and grow (Isa. 55:1-2). But unlike the physical body, the spirit can appreciate or depreciate, depending on the diet you place it on. According to Apostle Peter, in 1 Peter 2:2, the physical body may need rice, beans, yam, burger, etc. to grow, but the only food the spirit needs to grow is the Word of God.

As Christians, spiritual growth is mandatory for us all. What kind of food or diet do you feed your spirit-man with? Being a pastor, preacher, evangelist, deacon, deaconess, choir master, usher, prayer warrior, or "spiritual tongues linguist", first class degree holder, Bible PhD holder, etc. Very good. For all of these are opportunities and gifts. They do not automatically translate to spiritual growth and maturity. Take the example of Judas who had the great opportunity of first-hand tutelage under our Lord Himself. Was he really growing when he was with Him? What of Simon the sorcerer, as he walked with Evangelist Phillip and Apostle Peter. In fact, age in the church isn't an automatic ticket to maturity.

Spiritual growth is mandatory, hence must be sought after through:
(a)  The Word: Joshua 1:8
(b)  Prayers: 1 Thess. 5:17
(c)  Fellowship: Heb. 10:25
(d)  Humble service in His presence: 1 Cor. 12:27,28.

What do you feed your spirit with? As babe in Christ's hand and house, desire the spiritual milk of the WORD, that ye may grow by it towards maturity, and in aspiration of heaven. (cf. Eph. 4:12-14).

1. I receive the grace to grow spiritually unto maturity, in Jesus' name.
2. O Lord, let every power combating with my spiritual life be shattered, in Jesus' name.
3. Pray against the spirit of materialism causing churches to prioritise prosperity gospel over and against the true gospel of holiness in anticipation of reigning with God.

EXTRA READING: Genesis 33 - 34 & Matthew 16

Remain blessed!

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