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Read Genesis 24:57-67

MEMORISE: Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother's death (Genesis 24:67)

Being a single Christian brother, or sister, is God-ordained, as well as being married Christian brother, or sister. Both must not be joked with, but be taken with all seriousness. Being single has some things that look like pains. One of such is loneliness. This can be a serious internal disturbance, especially, if one is up to marriageable age. The solace here for all singles is that, you may be lonely but never alone; Jesus is with you. Apart from loneliness, coping with temptations to misbehave cannot be overemphasised, concerning singles. Since, you are yet to marry, the devil will strategically place some oppose sex around you. But with Holy Spirit filling you and coupled with prayers and watchfulness, you will surmount this. This should guide the youth as St. Valentine's day is being celebrated globally. They should beware of those ungodly momentary sexual enjoyments that can truncate their future.

The pains should not becloud the gains. It is a time you have all the time to prepare for future challenges. You have at your disposal, time to pray, anytime any day, at home or elsewhere, without disturbance of any kind. Your obligation/expenditure are greatly limited, if you are yet to marry. And you must save hugely. Read Paul's counsel 1 Cor. 7:8,9,24-25).

Single's time, as a Christian, is also a time to prepare for the ministry. Or are you surprised you are told you have got a ministry? Yes, you do! So, use your single days as a believer to prepare adequately for the task ahead (cf. Col. 4:17). If God calls you to ministry while still unmarried, how lucky are you! The reason is that, you have more time for preparation than when you are married. So, dear young brother/sister, single periods can be painful, yet they become gainful at the end, if the time had been judiciously invested. Stay blessed.

1. O God, help our marriageable youths waiting for Your will to understand and acknowledge that it is worth the waiting.
2. Lord, rid our churches, ministers and members of the sins of fornication and adultery.
3. O God, help Your Church to be more alive to You.

EXTRA READING: Leviticus 5 - 6 & Luke 2

Remain blessed!

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