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Read 2 Samuel 21:1-9

MEMORISE: In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honors those who fear the Lord; He who swears to his own hurt and does not change (Psalms 15:4)

Only God makes covenant and stays by it, ultimately. Man's life is characterised by inability to stay true to whatever said. Many people can keep to so many things, except covenants and vows. They conclude that, after all, they are not God. Yes. None of us is God, but we are made in His image and likeness. So, it is expected of us to possess His communicable attributes.

People like Jephtah and Hannah are very scarce in the world, nowadays. These people were very faithful to God, most importantly with regard to their vows. Even when nobody was around when they made their promises, they still did not default in fulfilling them (Jdg. 11:30,31; 1 Sam. 1:11-24). Conversely, Saul did the worst, when he decided to kill the people of Gibeon. Covenant, or let's call it peace treaty, had existed between the Gibeonites and Israelites, many years before Saul became king in Israel (Joshua 9:3-18). Many leaders had come and gone, who knew about the treaty and would not tamper with it, provided the Gibeonites stayed contented with their status amidst God's people. Why would Saul break this treaty in his own time? Why would he do such a terrible thing? He was simply motivated by a covenant-breaking spirit. This is the same spirit that is running in many people, today.

Check it! Don't you find it difficult to fulfill promises, covenants and vows? Covenant breakers are like city breakers. A noticeable thing about them is that, they find it difficult to maintain relationship. Saul refused to honour the covenant he met on ground, which was made and sealed by his patriarchs. He paid dearly for it, with the lives of his children and grandchildren. Be a builder, repairer, or mender, not a breaker of godly covenants.

1. Lord, help relationships that are in disarray to be cordial again, in Jesus' name.
2. Homes that are suffering from the menace of divorce, O Lord, bring healing to them, in Jesus' name.
3. Lord, give me the spirit of forgiveness and friendliness, so that I will be loving and never seek retribution.

EXTRA READING: Numbers 8 & Luke 19

Remain blessed!

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