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Read Hosea 1:1-9

MEMORISE: For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns broken cisterns that can hold no water (Jeremiah 2:13)

The Northern Israel was greatly loved by YAHWEH, like the south. They were prospered by Him. But they abused this privilege, abandoning Him for corruption and idolatry. Had they forgotten that He is jealous (Exo. 20:5)? They were just not bothered by 'whose ox is gored'. God's justice proved to them that they were sinners and had abandoned Him for a terrible rival. And so, God declared to them and to as many who engage in spiritual harlotry today, these three things:

i.  I WILL DISPERSE YOU. Only those who dwell in the secret place of God shall abide under His shadow (Psa. 91:1). Many who still pray and minister on God's altar today, are already dispersed and handed over to the devil.

ii.  I WILL NO LONGER HAVE MERCY. This may be hard to believe; yet God can never lie (Num. 23:19). How long are we going to hide under God's mercy to defraud Him and rubbish His name among the heathen? What do we say of prophets who go to herbalist and Imams for charms to 'grow their ministry'? God's judgment looms on such (Eph. 5:6; Col. 3:6).

iii.  YOU ARE NOT MY PEOPLE. This is the final blow from God as He separates the sheep from the goats. Though, God created all humans, not all will return to Him, because the Lord knows those who are His (2 Tim. 2:19).

Have you already gone astray, having your heart roaming about during church services, and eating on the altar of the devil? Come back today, as God is waiting for you to be reconciled and restored. Delay is dangerous.

1. Lord, please cast me not away from Your presence and take not the Holy Spirit from me.
2. O Lord, deliver me from the slavery of sin.
3. Father, don't allow our services and that of our leaders to be in vain; lead us to everlasting life, in Jesus' name.

EXTRA READING: Numbers 2 & Luke 15

Remain blessed!

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