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Read Matthew 18:1-9

MEMORISE: But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea (Mark 9:42)

Jesus, in answering His disciples' question, 'Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?', called out to a child, and setting the child in the midst of the disciples, He taught that unless a person becomes humble as a child, he cannot enter into Heaven (Matt. 18:1-4). Jesus meant that anyone going to partake of, and enjoy the benefits of His Kingdom, now and in eternity, would have to imbibe the humility that a child exhibits. This symbolises submitting to the Gospel in all obedience, by accepting Jesus Christ, the Author of the Gospel, as one's personal Lord and Saviour. The phrase, 'little ones' in Mark 9:42, therefore is not a reference to a child; but refers to those who "humble themselves as this little child."

The Bible plainly teaches that you had better not do anything that would make any Christian to stumble, and warns that it would be better that he who constitutes such stumbling block be thrown in the sea with a millstone hung around his neck. This immediately shows the seriousness Jesus attaches to such carelessness or deliberate action. God sees making others to fall, whether unknowingly or deliberately, as a very grievous crime. In fact, a 'culpable homicide', punishable, now and in eternity.

The Bible further warns that we must remove stumbling blocks that cause us to sin. This means that any relationship, practice, or activity that leads to sin should be stopped. That it would be better to go to heaven without such things than to end up in hell with loads of the things in question (Mk. 9:43-47). Therefore, don't allow the devil use you to cause anyone to stumble, whether in your dressing, speech, action, etc. God doesn't take it lightly with anyone who leads his neighbour to Satan's net.

1. Lord Jesus, please help me with the power of the Holy Spirit, never to do anything that can cause my fellow humans and Christians to stumble.
2. Holy Spirit, help me to remove and overcome any stumbling block that can cause me to sin, in Jesus' name.
3. Father, help leaders of our churches not to engage in any programme or teachings that threaten the spiritual growth of the Church.

EXTRA READING: Leviticus 11 - 12 & Luke 5

Remain blessed!

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