"Given" Give Happily To People - Hint Of Live

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"Given" Give Happily To People

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Many have come to financial ruin due principally to lack of giving-Pro11:24-25. You must give in appreciation to God benevolence in order to God.

Deposits into your Heavenly account can only be made from an earthly position. Money will never cause you to err, as long as it been released outward and upward. Tithing tenth of your income, giving and offering sowing to God’s work delivers us from the love of money

All the money we spend on our self will come to nothing, only the ones we invest in God Work will yield eternal dividends.

In 1Tim 6vs18 “To do good, to be rich in helping others to be extravagantly generous. If you do his will you’ll build a treasury that will last forever, gaining life that his eternity”

Giving as a form of living- The reason God gave you money is be able to impact lives and to bless more people. “IF GOD CAN NOT WITHDRAW FROM YOU, HE WILL NOT DEPOSIT IN YOU”

Benefits of Giving
  •           Obedience That Brings Confidence
  •            Prove the money is not your master
  •            Capability to handle more blessings
  •            Enough room to receive more
  •            Protection from evil and sickness
  •            Blessing and influencing more people
  •           Promotion, favour and open door
  •           A good foundation for the future
Who you should give to
  •     God- Pay your tithes and offering
  •     Church-sow to a ministry that is blessing live
  •     Minister-Clothing, home, transportation


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